I’d like to welcome you to St Therese’s School, a learning community on Cairns’ Southern corridor, founded in the Mercy Tradition. Our school is proud of its rich historical story, with Edmonton Convent School, established on 29 April 1929, as a rural hub, on a site where the current Edmonton Library is situated. Renamed in 1965 to St Therese’s School, we relocated to our current site in Bentley Park in 1995. Over this time, enrolments have grown significantly, from our first cohort of 30 students, to a four-stream school, with currently more than 600 students from Prep to Year 6.
Our vision is to offer every student a faith filled encounter with the Catholic Christian tradition, with consistent high expectations for learning and teaching that is responsive to our context. We recognise that all staff and students are lifelong learners and so embrace opportunities to build our capacity to deepen our engagement with pedagogical strategies that elevate levels of achievement for all.
We have a large staff, who engage a variety of learning platforms to collaboratively design, shape and deliver classroom experiences that respond to student data sets and extend, challenge, measure and target student learning.
We value parents as their child’s first teachers. St Therese’s fosters a culture of collaboration and wellbeing and has an active and visible parent presence in our community. Parents are encouraged to attend the regular meetings of the STSC (St Therese’s School Community), to discuss areas of support and to provide insights into learning and teaching practices at our school. Often guest speakers are invited, responding to identified parent requests and needs.
Guiding our thinking and actions, at the heart of St Therese’s School are our core school values as a: welcoming community, embracing learning, showing respect and strengthening faith.
Inspired by Christ, I look forward to sharing a small part of your child’s journey with you, embracing faith, life and learning at St Therese’s School.
Warm regards
Kathy Fleming