Enrolment forms for Bentley Park Kindergarten and St Therese’s OSHC can be accessed here:
Opening Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Nominated Supervisor: Stacey McDonnell
Mobile: 0436 645 606
Email: kindy.bentleypk@ccelc.catholic.org.au
St Therese’s School Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Opening Hours:
Term Time: Before School 6:30am to 8:30am and After School 2:50pm to 6pm
Vacation Hours: 6:30am to 6pm
Nominated Supervisor: Colleen Trosser
Mobile: 0438 219 584
Phone: 07 4252 5713
Email: oshc.bentleypk@ccelc.catholic.org.au