St Therese’s meets the high standards set by both Government and Catholic Education authorities. We teach the prescribed Australian Curriculum in the areas of:
- Religious Education
- Mathematics (version 9)
- English
- Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
- Science
- Technology
- The Arts
- Health & Physical Education (HPE) (version 9)
- Languages (Italian)
The learning across the curriculum is enhanced and enriched through the integration of key events throughout the school year. This includes various visiting school performances, involvement in activities such as ANZAC Day March, Clean-Up Australia, Book Week, Science Week, Harmony Day, Catholic Education Week, NAIDOC Week and various feast days in the church calendar.
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is taught and integrated across all year levels and instrumental music is offered as an extracurricular activity. As part of the Arts curriculum, the school participates in dance instruction in which the students receive dance lessons for one term per year. Excursions, incursions and Year 6 Camp are also a part of the school curriculum.
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Extra-Curricular Activities
There are a number of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities including: Young Engineers STEAM program, Readers Cup, Soccer Clinic (P-4), Instrumental Music, Drama Club, Dance Troupe and Choir.
Excursions, Incursions and Year 6 Camp – Excursions, incursions and camps are a part of the school curriculum. All children are expected to participate in any class excursion or incursion (Prep to Year 6) / camp (Year 6).
Instrumental Music Program – St Therese’s School Instrumental Music Program gives students the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments during school hours. Lessons occur at the school between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm, dependent upon private tutor availability.
Readers Cup Challenge – Students in Years 5 and 6 are invited to nominate for selection for the Far North Qld Regional Readers Cup Challenge, held in the month of June. The school selects a team of four students who attend the Challenge. Each student is required to read and learn the content focused on in the selected reading texts chosen by the Readers Cup Organisers and provided by the school.
Mary Mills Cup – Girls in Year 6 are invited to participate in the Mary Mills Netball Championship, competing against opposing teams from Catholic primary schools within the Diocese. This occurs during Term 3.
Jim Graham Cup – Boys in Year 6 are invited to participate in the Jim Graham Rugby Championship competing against opposing teams from Catholic primary schools within the Diocese. This sporting opportunity also occurs during Term 3.
Calanna Speaking Competition– Students from Years 4-6 are invited to be considered for the annual Calanna Speaking Competition. Preparation for this forms part of the assessment for the Speaking and Listening Strand of the English Curriculum in Term 3.
School Sports – Our school sports program includes the following school-based sporting opportunities:
- Senior Cross Country (Years 4-6)
- Junior Cross Country (Prep to Year 3)
- District Cross Country
- Senior Athletics Carnival (Years 4 to 6)
- Junior Athletics Carnival (Prep-Year 3)
- District Interschool Athletics Carnival
Swimming Program – Swimming lessons for Prep, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5 students are held in Term 3 over a one week block. The objective of this program is primarily to raise students’ water awareness and safety.
Gymnastics Program – Gymnastics lessons for Years 2 are held during Term 3 at the Southside Gymnasium. The objective of this program is to offer students a variety of sporting opportunities that complement the school-based PE curriculum.
ICAS Competition – Students from Years 3 to 6 are offered the chance to compete in the ICAS Competition throughout Terms 2 and 3 in Learning Areas such as English, Maths and Science.
Teachers at St Therese’s may offer students the opportunity to participate in out of school events such as the Cairns and District Eisteddfod (e.g. Choir and Dance), Science Fair, Mt Sheridan Spelling Bee, Soccer, AFL.
“To you it is given to create the future and give it direction by offering children
a set of values with which to assess their newly discovered knowledge.
Your responsibilities make demands on you that go far beyond
the need for professional skills and competence.
To teach means not only to impart what we know,
but also to reveal who we are by living what we believe.”
(John Paul II to Catholic Educators, September 12, 1984)